Wednesday, 7 January 2015

PIN-BOARD 1 | Troll's Tongue, Norway

So, I thought it'd be a cool idea to share with you places around the World that I've discovered and found really interesting! Someday, whether it be this year - or in my case, 10 years time (Once i've actually learn't the meaning of saving money) - I'd like to visit these places. I'm really obsessed with the thought of travelling so I want to build up a collection of places around the World I can go to!

My inspiration behind this first type of post is an odd shaped overhanging Cliff named Troll's Tongue, situated in Norway. I came across this place on Twitter and whilst reading up about it I found out that if you were to trip and fall off the edge of Troll's Tongue, you'd fall 2300 feet. Scary? Just a little! If I ever make it there I'll be sure to have a guide rope.

How beautiful does this place look?! Absolutely breath taking. I'd so love to be walking around this place very, very soon!
If you've ever visited this jaw dropping Cliff or somewhere similar, let me know of your experiences!



  1. This looks amazing and now I really want to visit it. Great picture.


    1. Doesn't it look wonderful! Can't wait to be able to go and sight-see! :)
